An educational program from MACZUL to communities / Un programa edcuativo desde el museo para las comunidades
An artist, researcher, and educator, helping Zulia Contemporary Art Museum (MACZUL), has been a matter of social and ethical responsibility. ESCOLARTE is a program that I proposed to the art education department of MACZUL to improve he art education in the high schools of my city, Maracaibo.
A city where the school system has experienced a scarcity of opportunities towards art education and have almost zero activities to do art making. Additionally, and what is even worst, with the last change in the 2015 school curriculum, art education will practically be eliminated. So, for me, this is a matter of giving opportunities to the students; connecting them to the visual arts, connecting them to their culture, giving them a chance to express themselves, and opening them toward a new way of thinking. i an cross disciplinary experience that enhance the minds and critical views of the students.